My World MS Day Motto is...

I know it's not MS Monday but it is a special awareness day that I want to celbrate on my blog. Today is National MS day and the theme is : What’s Your Motto? We all have mottos that we live our lives by. “What’s your motto?” aims to inspire us all with per sonal mottos related to overcoming obstacles and dealing with the adversity posed by MS. My Mottos I have, as I help my sister with her battles are: "Fighting to win one step at a time", and "I may stumble but I won't stop." I will continue to help my sister everyday with her fight to walk and I won't stop supporting this society until we find a new drug therapy that will halt the destruction the desease does, or a cure that will banish it from our lives. Thank you for stopping by and if you want to read more about my sisters journey and my fight to aid in a cure follow my blog and read my posts every monday. Even if you don't have MS we all have obst...