Hello, my names Lynda and I'm a book addict.
I believe all book addicts should stick together, form a support group. Oh wait, there's already quite a few of them, and I'm not talking about book clubs. My sister is a psych nurse and she's always telling me there's a support group out there for everything, and she was right. Did you know that there are support groups out there for people afraid of the color red? Groups out there for ones who sleep too much, or too little. Even support for people afraid of flannel. I was in shock at the list she sent me and about chocked on my coffee when I came to one specific group. Support groups for those who are afraid of books. Really? How can you be afraid of something that can open your mind to another world, or allow you to escape from the one that's driving you crazy. I never thought of books as something that would cause shear panic to a person, but it can and I feel nothing but total respect, and sadness for those who suffer from this ailment. E...