For the Love of Christmas all year long. Help me welcome a wonderful writer, and poet, Jeniann Bowers

A few things you don't know about me, I love classical music, and poetry. When I was given the opportunity to read Jeniann's poems, I jumped on it, and loved it. Her poems are unique and touching. They are written with emotion and tell a story. Here's a little information on this great author, and a few of her poems. I hope you find them as touching as I did. Jeniann has been writing poetry for seven years and has one previous poetry book published, Expression on Life Book One, but recently retired it to publish Expressions and Letters, which is a follow-up book that has twenty-one new poems and personal letters written to the reader. Jeniann’s writing techniques are somewhat different from other poets. Jeniann writes mainly condolences poetry about her true feelings and about her life and events that take place. Jeniann featured video trailer created by KayCee K. Wingfield of Collection of 25 days o...