
Showing posts from June, 2012

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Angels vs Demons Blog Hop

                                                 ANGELS VS DEMONS       Angels and Demons are present in every genre. They come in every form and shape. I write Romantic Suspense so my Angels are my special OP, and FBI agents, while my villains are the terrorists that threaten our government .                                           MY ANGELS                                                        MY VILLIANS                                                      Villains can be a terrorist with contempt to destroy to the girl next store bent on revenge. Whether they're shape shifters, vampires or fallen angels our characters shape our story and give the readers hours of intense, nail biting sleepless nights. My story, Rescued from the Dark, has Jason Michaels, FBI Agent and my Angel. He battles Demons, the Flanagan’s, who threaten to destroy our government. Along the way he falls in love, gets kidnapped, almost dies